Best Programming language for app development (2022)

 What are the best languages for app development ?

Mobile app development has become incredibly popular since its inception in 2008 with android controlling over 70% of the market share, it is an extremely fast-growing market with new developers and users every day.

If you want to tap into this fast-growing and lucrative market, it is essential for you to learn how to program and maintain an app, to make an amazing app that is useful for others you need to learn and master a programming language.

There are many programming languages for app development such as Kotlin, Swift, Java, C++ and many more, but first you need to decide which platform are you making an app for IOS or Android as you need to learn the language accordingly.

  1. Kotlin 

Kotlin is an statically typed programming language that runs on the Java Virtual Machine (JVM), it has concise code syntax which makes it one of the most popular languages for android app development.

The main benefits of using kotlin are:

1. Easy to read code 

2. Less verbose 

3. concise set of libraries 

4. Fast compilation time

It is a modern language without too much outdated baggage, it is a compiled language. You will have an easier time scaling your app to multiple platforms or devices even to mobile apps written in Java.

Kotlin has a list of amazing features such as Null safety and lambdas. Null safety prevents your app from crashing or throwing errors when it encounters null pointer exceptions. Lambdas make coding more efficient by allowing you to write methods in one line code that can be executed at any part of your app without changing the logic flow.

Kotlin is a great programming language for app development but it can be difficult to debug and has some compatibility issue with the older versions of android and the tools required for developing android apps, as it is a new language it is also an evolving language that needs some time to mature which means you will need to keep up with the changes as they happen.

  1. Java

Java is a general-purpose programming language, Java is the most popular android app development language because of its simplicity, it is also easy to get started with Java as it is one of the most widely used programming languages.

Java is also compatible with many different platforms which means you can use whichever operating system you are comfortable with but it is a great choice for android app development, along with kotlin java provides the best compatibility for apps on android devices.

It is also one of the easiest languages to learn which is important if you are new to programming, and if you are beginner you should check out What is the best programming to learn as a beginner?, it has extensive code libraries which provide plenty of resources for developers when they get stuck or want to make some improvements.

  1. C#

C# is a general-purpose object-oriented programming language created by Microsoft designed for building a variety of apps, it can support libraries of code written in other languages such as C++ and Visual Basic.

C# is similar to Java and so it is ideal for android app development, just like Java C# also implements garbage collection so there are fewer chances of memory leaks. And C# also has a simpler syntax as compared to Java which makes coding in C# relatively easier. You can create amazing apps in multiple platforms such as android and IOS.

One downside to C# is it does not have a large community of developers and programmers who can help enhance code or provide support, which means it will be hard for you to find readily available information about this language as compared to other languages such as Java.

  1. Python

Python is a general-purpose and object-oriented programming language and it has a user-friendly design 

It is a beginner friendly language and is a lot easier to learn as compared to other languages.

Python is a great language for app development as it is both easy to read and learn, it is also very popular among programmers and developers which means There is a lot of information about Python which can help you learn about the language.

It is a cross-platform language so you can use it on both Android and IOS, Python has a ton of libraries that will make it easier to develop the app you desire.

  1. Swift

Swift is a general-purpose programming language with modern features, its syntax is based off of objective-C but it introduces many changes to the original concepts from that language.

It is one of the languages out there for IOS app development, it can do the same tasks as other languages with fewer lines, it has a easy to learn syntax, it also has many amazing features such as:

  • Type Inferences

  • Generics

  • Closures

  • Fast compile time

There are great online resources available to help you learn about how to use swift efficiently including Books, Online Courses and many more.


Making an app is no easy thing, it will take time to learn how to make an app. That’s why you should choose the right programming language, and many experts suggest beginners to start with the apps that they can use for themselves for some of their own problems, so they can stay motivated and understand that you should not make an app just for the sake of making an app but an app that can solve others problems, only then people will download your app at the first place.

Many experts recommend beginners to make an app on one platform so it will be easier to maintain and if you choose the right language you can scale it up into other platforms as well, but starting from one platform such as only Android or IOS is ideal, and when you need to, you can get the app running on other platforms for extra users to scale up your app and even start earning from the app you made.

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