Best Programming Language For Web Development (2022).

What is the Best programming languages for web development?

Web development is becoming increasingly popular in today’s world, as almost every business wants a website to acquire customers and increase their reach. That's why web developer is ranked the sixth best job in tech  with a median salary of more than $73000 a year.

Experts also predict that demand for qualified web developers will grow by 13% over the coming decade. That means more than 25000 new jobs for web developers by 2030.

Web development requires you to know about both front-end and back-end but if you are just starting out you should learn the front-end first as many experts recommend beginners to learn the front-end first as it is a lot easier than the back-end, and once you have mastered the front-end it will be easy for you to learn the back-end so you can become a full stack web developer who knows both front-end and back-end.

Whether you want to work full time or want to just create some side applications for fun you need to know which are the best languages for both front-end and back-end to become a web developer. That’s why today we will tell you which languages you should learn to become a master full stack web developer.

What programming languages do web developers use?

Web developers use different language depending on what they are building.

Front-end development

Some programming languages are used for front end or client side, it covers all the visuals, interfaces, buttons and graphics of a website, languages like HTML and CSS are front-end languages.

Back-end development 

While other programming languages like Python and Java are used for back-end web development, these handle communication between front-end interfaces and the databases and server that supports it.

Languages for front-end development 

  1. HTML

HyperText Markup Language (HTML) is the most popular markup language in the word, it is a must-have for front-end web development, and it is very simple and easy to learn for beginners.

HTML is a declarative markup language. It defines the elements of a web page through labeling, it does not process logic, manipulate data or take inputs and produce outputs like a scripting language would, it is used for page structuring and templating, most of the beginner web developers start by learning HTML.

HTML uses sections called “element blocks” to indicate the part of the website, in those blocks HTML adds tags to specify how different elements look.

it is almost impossible to code a website without HTML that’s why it is a must-learn language for web development

  1. CSS

Cascading style sheets (CSS) works hand-in-hand with HTML. It is a Styling language, a special kind of declarative language that describes what HTML code should like on screen.

CSS can position an element somewhere specific on a page, it can add shadings and borders, specify the color and style of a link, moreover it can change the size, font and color of the text, it can also alter background color, animate page elements and sprites and much more.

CSS is a bit more complex than HTML but it is still beginner friendly and very important for web design. Once you have the knowledge about the basic CSS then you can expand your knowledge with extension languages such as SASS and its syntax SCSS.

  1. JavaScript

JavaScript is a lightweight, interpreted, object oriented and flexible programming language. JavaScript was initially created to make web pages interactive, JavaScript can update both HTML and CSS. JavaScript is one of the 3 core web programming languages along with HTML and CSS, JavaScript codes the front-end of many of the famous websites in the world such as Amazon, Facebook, LinkedIn.

It can be used in both front-end and back-end but it is more popular and easier in the front-end, it is very easy to implement as it is integrated with HTML. JavaScript is a scripting language which means it directly runs from its source code and doesn't need to be translated into machine code.

It is relatively easy to learn JavaScript you can create fast and beautiful websites with it, it also has tons of frameworks and libraries already developed which can be used directly in your software development to reduce your time.

Languages for back-end development

  1. Python 

Python is a general-purpose language that’s intuitive to learn and capable of creating highly advanced programs. In 2021 Python topped the list of most popular programming languages for the first time.

Python is one of the best languages for web development as it is primarily used in the back-end, it is an excellent and easy to learn programming for beginners as its syntax is simple and highly readable. Python is an object-oriented programming language, it divides code into self-contained units that you can transfer between projects.

Most importantly it has an extensive and growing collection of modules, libraries and frameworks—— collection of pre-written code that lets you scale app and software development quickly.

  1. PHP

PHP, short for Hypertext Preprocessor, is the most popular back-end language for the web, it is a server side scripting language that creates scripts on web servers that create customized responses for each user’s requests.

PHP is very beginner friendly and Learning PHP lets you create web pages and have customized user interfaces. It has a long history of open-source developer community support for using PHP on the back-end of websites, if you have ever made a wordpress website PHP was powering the website from the back-end.

  1. Java

Java is a general-purpose and object-oriented programming language that was designed with cross platform compatibility in mind, Java allows you to write code once and run it on any platform (Windows, Mac OS and Linux).

Java has been used by developers for more than 20 years and is considered to be one of the simplest languages to learn due to its less ambiguous syntax terminology derived from C++. It is the perfect choice for web development, app development, database connectivity, networking and many more.

Anyone who knows the fundamental principles of programming can learn fast and start using Java right away.


Learning web development will be a lot beneficial in this day and age where almost every business has a website and hence the demand for web developers is only gonna go up in the future.

It is not very easy to learn full stack web development that's why many expert web developers recommend to learn the front-end first as it is easy and will give you the basic idea of web development then you can jump into the back-end which is more complex than the front-end.

if you want to know which is the best programming language to learn as a beginner then visit what is the best programming language to learn as a beginner

After learning both front-end and back-end you will become a full stack web developers and it will open a lot of career opportunities for you and then you can expand your knowledge by learning app development, games development and other things which will help you to become a master programmer.

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