Best Programming Languages For Beginner in 2022.

What is the best programming language to learn as a beginner?

If you are learning to code it can be very hard to determine which is the best programming language to learn, that is easy to learn and also practical so you can build your own projects and make something useful with that language.

There are many languages for many different purposes, so that's why today we are going to be looking at different languages to see which language is the best for you if you are doing web development or want to be an app developer.

1. “Python” - Best overall

Python is one of the best languages to learn if you are just starting out as its syntax is very close to English and it is pretty easy to understand for someone who is new to programming.

It will allow you to learn basics of programming without having to obsess over every little detail, Python can be used for web development, graphic user interferences (GUIs) and software development, it is one of the most used languages in fact it was used to make Instagram, Youtube and Spotify.

Python also has its own disadvantages, it is often thought of as a slow language that requires more testing and is not as practical for developing mobile apps as other languages.

2. “Java” - Best for job opportunities

Java is an object oriented and feature heavy programming language that is very high in demand, it has been built under the premise of “Write once run anywhere” which means you can write it on any device and it will run cross-platform.

Java is often used in Android and IOS app development and as it is the basis of android
operating system, so it is one of the best languages for app development.

It also has great career options since top employers for Java programmers are Ebay, Amazon and IBM. It is one of the most demanded programming language which means it is a highly paid language, so if you are looking for a language with great career options Java is the one for you.

It may not be as easy as python, but it is also a High-level language as python which means it is beginner-friendly. However, it will take you more time to learn and create your first project as compared to python.

3. “JavaScript” Best for front-end Web development

JavaScript is also an incredibly popular language. Many websites that millions of people use daily rely on JavaScript such as Twitter, Gmail, Spotify, Facebook and Instagram according to General Assembly. Although Java and JavaScript are similar in name and syntax, but these languages are distinct and differ greatly in design.

It is is very important when adding interactivity to websites, as it communicates with HTML and CSS. Which means it is very essential when for front-end development and consumer facing websites, but it is also becoming very popular in the back-end.

JavaScript is also very versatile and beginner friendly ,while it is not as easy as python but once you master it you will be able to create 2D and 3D graphics , comprehensive data driven apps and much more.

4. “C” Best for understanding core basics of the computer

C is one of the difficult languages to learn about if you are just starting out, but because it is more “machine-level'' it is amazing to learn how the computer works, and because almost all of the other programming languages are implemented in it. It will be easier to learn more languages such as C++ or C#.

C can be difficult if it is the first language you are learning since it is a “low-level” language, but once you master it, it will be easier for you to learn other languages and understand the core basics of how the computer works.

C is a general-purpose programming language, it can be used to develop software like operating systems, databases, compilers and so on.

5. “Ruby” Best for web development

Ruby is one of the easier languages to learn. It is very similar to python and you don’t need prior coding experience to read. You do not need to know a lot of syntax or coding vocabulary to learn it.

One of the major reasons people like Ruby is because of the amazing full stack framework “Ruby on Rails” which is becoming increasingly popular among startups such as Airbnb, Groupon, Hulu and sound cloud as these are some of the websites which were built with Ruby on Rails.

Ruby is a general-purpose, object-oriented programming language, Ruby is mainly used for developing web applications, building servers, data processing, web scraping and crawling. And it also has an active community of developers.

Ruby is amazing for small businesses, however, Ruby can have the challenge of scalability across large systems and has a hard time with performance on larger websites.


If you are looking for a solid foundation to make you a top-tier developer - C

If you want something easy to learn and understand - Python

If you want to have a career in programming and want job opportunities - Java

If you want to try front-end development - JavaScript

If you want to create and run a website for your startup - Ruby

Programming is hard especially if you are just starting out so no matter which language you choose it will be hard to learn at first, even Python, which is one of the easier languages.

But being consistent will help you in the long run and you will surely master it, and then you should always keep on learning other languages as well, one language is not it, but there should be one language that you are a master at, as it will help you get an amazing career.

As most of the companies today want someone that has specialized in one language rather than a
person who is mediocre in many languages, you should have at least one language that you are expert at.

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