Best Programming Language For Hacking 2022

 What are the best programming languages for Hacking?

Hacking is a term that interests almost everyone. Hacking refers to a method by which an individual or a group of people exploit a network to gain access to crucial information. 

There actually are 2 types of Hackers:

  1. White hat hackers/Ethical Hackers: these are the ones that use Hacking to Prevent cyber attacks and safeguard a network from potential intruders. 

  1. Black hat Hackers/Unethical Hackers: These are the ones that use Hacking for their own benefits. They hack the data of companies and sell them in the black market and they steal crucial information of a company for their own benefits.

If you become an Ethical hacker many companies will offer you jobs to protect them from cyber attacks and unethical hackers, no matter which you choose you will still need to have knowledge about programming to become a master hacker.

Why is coding important for hacking?

Hacking involves breaking protocols and exploiting a network; Thus, being a hacker requires you to have knowledge and understand the languages of the software you are focusing on. 

Zero coding knowledge can limit your opportunities in the future as a hacker. Hence, it is important to know coding, having knowledge about coding will help you analyze the piece of code you can also write scripts and be able to modify the available scripts if the situation asks.

By having knowledge about programming you can create programs that can help you automate the tasks which would have been time-consuming. It will help you strategize before carrying out the exploit.

Best programming languages for Coding

  1. Python 

Python is a general-purpose programming language and is used extensively for exploit writing in the field of hacking, an outstanding feature that makes Hacking a lot easier in python is the availability of ready-made modules, several modules are available depending on your target such as OS module and socket modules and many more.

Python also has an enormous community that helps out with third party plug-ins daily, and Python is very beginner-friendly; you can learn it a lot faster as compared to other languages.

It is an amazing language that can be used for hacking and other things as well such as building apps and web applications and many more. 

  1. PHP

PHP is a server-side programming language used to build websites. Understanding PHP will help you understand web hacking techniques better.

PHP is one of the most powerful server-side languages used in most web domains. Learning PHP will also help you fight against malicious attackers. You can also write custom applications that alters a web server and makes the target server susceptible to attacks.

PHP will not only help you hack other websites it will also help you protect your own website from hackers.keeping your website safe.

  1. JavaScript

JavaScript is one of the best programming languages for hacking web applications. Understanding JavaScript will help you find vulnerabilities in web applications since most of the applications on web use JavaScript or its libraries.

It is used to develop cross-site scripting programs for hacking. Javascript is also used to spread and reproduce malware and viruses quickly.

Understanding JavaScript will be crucial when trying to hack websites or web applications as most of them rely on JavaScript. So,  it will be easier for you to hack those sites or applications.

C is the mother of all programming languages and it is massively used in security fields and it also helps with exploit writing and development.

Hackers can and do use C programming language to gain access and manipulate system resources and hardware components such as RAM, with the knowledge about C programming language you can get to know about the operating system and its structure.

C is used to build most current systems including Windows and UNIX, thus knowing it will be crucial if you want to fully comprehend these systems. Experienced security professionals frequently use C to simulate a library hijacking attack.

  1. Java

Java is one of the best programming language for mobile app development, many of the apps are made by using Java, several backdoors can exploit the systems made by Java.

Whenever you download an app from the Playstore it asks for some permission most of the people just allow almost every permission, there are some malware applications that can steal your confidential data like calls, contacts, messages and many more.

So the next you grant permissions to an unknown app be careful, After C programming language Java is the best programming language for hacking.


I hope now you know which programming languages are the best for Hacking and why having knowledge about programming is useful in hacking. As you know by  now hacking can be used in both the good way and the bad way it depends upon you which path you choose.

If you choose to be a white hat hacker you will also get job opportunities for corporations and hackers have salaries between 35k - 700k per year so it will also be beneficial for you to become a good white hat hacker.

Hacking is not like what you see in Hollywood movies; it is a hard and tedious thing where you have to constantly be aware of any cyber attacks or threats that other hackers may conduct on you or your corporation.

Best programming language for beginners in 2022

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